How Will You Measure Your Life?

I'm an avid reader. I love it. If I need to be energized, I will sit outside with a good book (Non-fiction only. I can't get in to fiction.) and read for hours.

One of my favorite things to read are case studies of businesses. The practicality and immersive nature help me interpret information in ways that theory alone cannot do.

Likewise, I firmly believe that we do not have compartments in our lives. We are one person. That same person is represented at the office and at home. We cannot disconnect from one and transition to another style of living and leading.

One of the books I read this week combines these two ideologies into a well crafted book. I could not put it down. With each page, I saw the applications mirrored in my life.

The book is "How Will You Measure Your Life?" by Clayton Christensen. I strongly recommend that you pick up from Amazon or your retailer of choice.

It felt like the authors were speaking directly to me in a way I could understand. They used business analogies to communicate leadership philosophies that we instinctively associate with business, but we often neglect the personal application it has with our family leadership. They blend these two worlds together flawlessly.

I do not know of another book that provides business case studies, parenting advice, relationship counseling, and proverbs of wisdom all in one place.

Please, grab a copy of this book. It will change your life.